Nov 27

Fifth National Climate Assessment


The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is hosting a series of webinars dedicated to the Fifth National Climate Assessment. Please join to learn more about each chapter, ask questions, and hear directly from the chapter authors. Register at the links below!


Additional Resources on the NCA5:

  1. NCA5 report website 
  2. Explore the NCA Atlas
  3. Listen to the NCA5 Companion Podcasts and Overview audiobook 
  4. Watch the announcement made by President Biden 
  5. View the White House Fact Sheet (En Español)
  6. View the White House Fact Sheet on Regional Impacts
  7. USGCRP is also planning a series of webinars for each NCA5 chapter, beginning in late November. Find details and registration links here.

Thank you,

White House Council on Environmental Quality