Extreme Heat Policy Innovation Summit

Mar 1

Registration is now open for the Extreme Heat Policy Innovation Summit hosted by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and Arizona State University’s Knowledge Exchange for Resilience (ASU KER) on Tuesday, April 9th.

About the convening

As Americans cool down from the hottest summer on human record, the 2024 heat season is just around the corner. A lack of action is killing thousands of people a year and costing Americans +$120 billion a year. These costs will only keep rising with future anticipated exposure to dangerous heat (>125 °F) expected to impact 107.6 million Americans by the year 2053. Transformative action is needed to prepare the United States for a warmer world.

To meet this critical moment, FAS and ASU KER are hosting the Extreme Heat Policy Innovation Summit to showcase actions that can be taken at all levels of government to address extreme heat. Presentations will feature Arizona Governor’s Office of Resiliency and ASU KER’s report informing Arizona’s Extreme Heat Preparedness Plan, FAS’ Extreme Heat Policy Sprint coalition’s federal policy ideas, and other innovative policy efforts to build heat resilience.


The Summit will be held from 11am-5pm ET on Tuesday, April 9th and will take place at 1777 F Street NW, Washington, DC, and will be livestreamed to remote attendees. The half-day conference will feature presentations, panels, and discussions on policy innovation at the local, state, and federal levels.

RSVP here

Please feel free to forward to interested colleagues.

We look forward to seeing you in April!

About the Federation of American Scientists

The Federation of American Scientists is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to advance progress on a broad suite of contemporary issues where science, technology, and innovation policy can deliver dramatic progress and seeks to ensure that scientific and technical expertise have a seat at the policymaking table.

About the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience

The mission of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience is to support Maricopa County, AZ, by sharing knowledge, catalyzing discovery, and building solutions to catalyze change in order to build community resilience. We work to support profound and enduring change across organizations to bring resilience dividends.

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