Financial Resilience Before, During and After DisastersFEMA will host a webinar at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th in celebration of 2024 Financial Resilience Month and to underscore the critical role of private-public partnerships in building financial resilience before, during and after disasters. The webinar, "Financial Resilience Before, During and After Disasters,” is Part 2 in a series that celebrates the power of collaborative relationships in emergency management and will provide an opportunity for FEMA, private sector, academia and nonprofit partners to engage with each other and enhance their mutual understanding of disaster assistance resources, capabilities, and mechanisms supporting financial resilience. The webinar is co-hosted by FEMA’s Voluntary Agency Liaisons and by the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Topic will include: - Increasing resiliency and access to financial institutions in communities before, during and after disasters.
- Increasing access to evidence-based financial capability programs that are culturally. appropriate.
- Building financial resiliency in Craven County, North Carolina as a pilot initiative for increasing resiliency for communities before, during and after a disaster.
Executive Panelists: |
| Erik Hooks, Deputy Administrator, FEMA Frank Matranga, Director of Individual Assistance, FEMA Recovery Directorate Marcus Coleman, Director, DHS Center of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Kevin McKechnie, Executive Director, American Bankers Association and Office of Insurance Advocacy Joseph Delaney, Senior Account Executive, Visa Kristy Kulberg, Director of Operations, Craven County Disaster Recovery Alliance Luz Sanabria-Reyes,Disaster Services Manager, Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service, North Carolina Office of Governor Roy Cooper Kirsten Trusko, Co-Founder, Payment as a Lifeline Kate Bulger, Vice President of Business Development, Money Management International Marlon Trone, Senior Director of Disaster Programs, Operation HOPE Jin Huang, PhD, Professor of Social Work, Saint Louis University Sidra Goldwater, Advisor, Disaster Recovery & Rebuilding, Fannie Mae |
Webinar Information:- Topic: Financial Resilience Before, During and After Disasters
- Date: April 17, 2024
- Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET
Register in advance on ZOOM and use the passcode “FEMAVAL” for access once the webinar begins. Closed captioning information will be provided as well as American Sign Language (ASL). |