For many, warm weather means enjoying the outdoors with picnics, swimming and gardening. But summer isn’t always a day at the beach. As temperatures increase, so do the chances for thunderstorms and hurricanes. Although hurricane season began in May, late summer and early fall are when we typically experience the most hurricanes as ocean waters warm. Remember, hurricanes are not just a coastal problem, so it’s important to know the risks where you live since rain, wind and flooding could happen far from the coast. No matter where you live, thunderstorms can also be a threat. Lightning injures 243 people and kills about 20 people on average each year in the United States (see Weather.gov for more information). Heavy rain from thunderstorms can lead to flash floods and power outages. In addition, tornadoes can form during some thunderstorms. Here are some tips to prepare for storms this summer: For all storms - Download the free FEMA app to receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service and to stay informed about watches and warnings. You can also sign up to receive Emergency Alerts in your area.
- Make an emergency plan. Be sure to have extra water and nonperishable foods at home. Get started by having enough supplies for your household, including medication, disinfectants and pet supplies. Make sure you consider your family’s unique needs, including anyone who needs medicine or medical equipment. If there’s a chance you will need to evacuate, create a smaller “go bag” to take with you or keep in the trunk of your vehicle. Remember that after certain severe weather events like a hurricane or tornado, you may not be able to buy some essential items for days or even weeks.
Hurricanes - Know your risk for hurricanes and take action to prepare by visiting FEMA’s Protective Actions Research website. Hurricanes are not just a coastal concern. Rain, wind, flooding and even tornadoes can strike far inland from where a hurricane or tropical storm makes landfall.
- If you live in an area that’s affected by hurricanes, practice your evacuation route with household members and pets, and identify where you will stay. Local emergency managers can provide the latest recommendations based on the threat to your community.
- Make sure to clear storm drains and gutters and bring outside furniture indoors. Consider installing hurricane shutters if you need added protection against the storm.
Thunderstorms - Be prepared for thunderstorm, lightning and hail by planning to move inside a sturdy building or a metal vehicle with a roof. Remember the saying, “When thunder roars, go indoors.” Moving under a tree to stay dry is especially dangerous because lightning often strikes the tallest object in its path.
- There is no safe space outdoors. If you are caught outside with no safe shelter anywhere nearby the following actions may reduce your risk:
- Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges or peaks.
- Never lie flat on the ground.
- Never shelter under an isolated tree.
- Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter.
- Immediately get out and away from ponds, lakes and other bodies of water.
- Stay away from objects that conduct electricity (barbed wire fences, power lines, windmills, etc.).
- Unplug appliances and plan to avoid running water or using landline phones. Electricity from lightning can travel through plumbing and phone lines. Stay off corded phones, computers and other electrical equipment that put you in direct contact with electricity. Avoid plumbing, including sinks, baths and faucets.
- Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches. Do not lie on concrete floors, and do not lean against concrete walls.
Tornadoes - Be prepared for a tornado by understanding that they can happen anytime, anywhere so it’s important to know where to stay safe. If a tornado warning is issued for your area, immediately find a place such as a basement or storm cellar where you can safely shelter in place. If you can’t find a basement or storm cellar, locate a small, interior room on the lowest level where you are, and shelter there until it is safe to come out of your shelter location.
- If you are outside and can’t get to a sturdy building, do not shelter under an overpass or bridge. You’re safer in a low, flat location.
- Use your arms to protect your head and neck. Watch out for flying debris that can cause injury or death.